What are the 4 Clairs in Psychic Abilities?

What are the 4 Clairs in Psychic Abilities? There are more than 4 clairs that psychics may use to obtain information during client readings. However, for this post, we shall focus on the four senses. The main avenues our intuition uses to let us know the information that is being asked are through these senses. The 4 clairs more widely used are : Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, Claircognizance, and Clairsentience. Clairvoyance Psychics gain information by various means. One of them is by Clairvoyance. This refers to psychic seeing. They may see visions of people, pictures, or symbols. The visions could also be in the form of a scenario that had already happened or was about to happen.  These can be in flashes or an unfolding of an event or scenario. Some psychics may see images that serve as a metaphor which is then explained with regards to the particular situation of the Read More

What is a Powerful Psychic Reading?

What is a Powerful Psychic Reading? Disclosure: Please keep in mind that some of the links in this post are affiliate links and if you go through them to make a purchase I will earn a commission. This does not affect your price. I link these companies/individuals and their services and/or products because of the quality and not because of the commission I receive from your purchases/actions. The decision is always yours to make, and whether or not you decide to buy/participate/order something is completely up to you. What exactly is a powerful psychic reading? Everyone knows what a psychic reading….but a powerful one? Psychics usually predict or discover something about a place, person, or event without knowing anything about it beforehand. They usually have a well-developed set of abilities that enable them to do the reading. Good readings will not only resonate with the person or event concerned but Read More

Psychic Readings Online – Is it for you?

Psychic Readings Online Disclosure: Please keep in mind that some of the links in this post are affiliate links and if you go through them to make a purchase I will earn a commission. This does not affect your price. I link these companies/individuals and their services and/or products because of the quality and not because of the commission I receive from your purchases/actions. The decision is always yours to make, and whether or not you decide to buy/participate/order something is completely up to you. Getting psychic readings online is basically getting more information about a person, situation, or event through email, phone calls, video calls, and so on. This is done through various methods and psychics get information through a ‘knowing’ as they have a heightened sense of abilities. This ‘knowledge” can be through touch (clairsentience), sight (clairvoyance), taste (clairgustance), instinct/knowing (claircognizance), and sound (clairaudience), and others. Many psychics Read More